Good News Briefs

I tend to share good news on this site (thus the happy) so here’s my latest find – Vertical farming. Far more efficient than regular farming. Who knew?

Categorized as Good News

The Grind

Sorry for the months off – but I do have news that relates to the topic of grit. The first edition of my new novella, shown above. WOOT! It’s in beta, and I’m not charging for it right now, so if you want to understand how to get unstuck in life, get your goals, and… Continue reading The Grind

Keep your feet to yourself

It’s been a busy Spring, trying to polish off the final portions of a book based on the SPARC model. But for now, check out this little fellow. I think he summarizes what the laws should be. Keep your stinky feet away from me! This lady’s freedoms ended at the beginning of this kid’s nose.… Continue reading Keep your feet to yourself