Positive Psychology – A Review of Assessments and the Best One Out There

I’m always on the hunt for new models that will help along the ideas of Positive psychology. What is Positive Psych? Well, it is really one of the most exciting things happening in psychology today. Perhaps you noticed that the number of books based in this area has exploded. Part of the reason for that… Continue reading Positive Psychology – A Review of Assessments and the Best One Out There

The Key to Successful Goal Achievement is Iterating

it·er·a·tion  ˌitəˈrāSHən/ noun the repetition of a process or utterance. repetition of a mathematical or computational procedure applied to the result of a previous application, typically as a means of obtaining successively closer approximations to the solution of a problem ~~~ As you may know, LifeSparcs.com was built on the concepts borne in part from… Continue reading The Key to Successful Goal Achievement is Iterating

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