It’s safe to say that most of us think 2020 was a rough year, to put it politely. Most of the articles I’ve read are either laced with despair ( 2021 might suck as well, etc. ) or profanity (even for non-profits). HappyWisdomers know better than to fall into these traps of negativity. Yes, we… Continue reading The KALM Way to Put 2020 Behind You
Author: joefec
Can Politics Make You Happy?
This blog is steadfastly non-political for a reason – it doesn’t seem like a path to happiness, and often is quite the opposite. Yet, when I look at people at these rallies and see their hopeful, smiling faces, I wonder if perhaps this is a road to happiness. Seeing throngs of smiling people, one could… Continue reading Can Politics Make You Happy?
How 2020 Kicked My Butt and What I Did (and continue to do) About It
So what are the tools I’ve been using/finding to cope? A few things – disappear into your work/creations, journal privately, talk to your family and friends, and absolutely limit social media, and do get out of the house.
The Purpose of Negative Space
The negativity around us can be suffocating. I know I feel it, even as an introvert. It’s the collective fatigue from all of the bad news and the uncertainty that has become part of our everyday. Even if we’re not directly impacted, by health or finances, we wait nervously for the storm to reach us.… Continue reading The Purpose of Negative Space
Learning in the Time of Crisis
A Reflection on C.S. Lewis’s Learning in the Time of War In 1939, C.S. Lewis was invited to preach at St. Mary the Virgin Church in Oxford to address a nation thrown into World War II. The scene couldn’t have been more dramatic: the Oxford scholar and war veteran standing at the podium of a… Continue reading Learning in the Time of Crisis
Good News Briefs
I tend to share good news on this site (thus the happy) so here’s my latest find – Vertical farming. Far more efficient than regular farming. Who knew?
The Grind
Sorry for the months off – but I do have news that relates to the topic of grit. The first edition of my new novella, shown above. WOOT! It’s in beta, and I’m not charging for it right now, so if you want to understand how to get unstuck in life, get your goals, and… Continue reading The Grind
Saudade – A word for humankind
I’ve spent a few more hours than I care to admit feeling Saudade about the many things in life. From as profound as a loss of a friend to the impactul artistry of the Avengers, it captures the emotion perfectly. It is a brilliant word. Saudade, per Wikipedia, is described as “the love that remains”… Continue reading Saudade – A word for humankind
Keep your feet to yourself
It’s been a busy Spring, trying to polish off the final portions of a book based on the SPARC model. But for now, check out this little fellow. I think he summarizes what the laws should be. Keep your stinky feet away from me! This lady’s freedoms ended at the beginning of this kid’s nose.… Continue reading Keep your feet to yourself
Consider The Bigger Picture
Recently a male friend posted a meme I found offensive on Facebook. I won’t repeat the post, as it was making light of domestic violence and, as a survivor of such a household, it sickened my stomach. I called him out on it as did others. Predictably, some rallied to his side, defending it as… Continue reading Consider The Bigger Picture